Thursday, March 19, 2020

Alienation and Loneliness in The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example

Alienation and Loneliness in The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example Alienation and Loneliness in The Catcher in the Rye Essay Alienation and Loneliness in The Catcher in the Rye Essay Essay Topic: The Catcher in the Rye The wise Pauline Phillips once said â€Å"Loneliness is the ultimate poverty. Depression and loneliness can be found in many teens from the ages of 12-18. This is one of the most common mental disorders that people encounter. This illness can makes teens struggle with their social life and often find themselves feeling left out of the society; making them feel like they are not important. In the novel, 16 year oldHolden Caulfield is the protagonist in the story. At the start of the book we are quick to see signs of depression and loneliness, Holden is not a very social person and only appreciates certain individuals. He is blind to the ones that try to help him and usually blocks those people out without even realizing. Holden has stern expectations for people in order for them to gain his liking. Holden istrying to overcome his loneliness/depression and is on a search for friendships, this motif can be described thru numerous songs. The whole theme of the book can be represented by the song â€Å"Stranger In This Town† by Richie Sambora, another relevant song isâ€Å"Hold on† by Jet, which describes Sally Hayes’ character and attitude. The song â€Å"Field of Innocence† by Evanescence depicts Phoebe Caulfield’s innocence and childhood. The latter two songs are representative of different characters but tie into the same concept ofloneliness and alienation. The theme of this novel can be portrayed by Richie Sambora’s â€Å"Stranger In This Town. From the slow beat of the song to the depressing lyrics, Richie Sambora describes someone that is lost and in need of a friend, perfectly representing the novel’s theme. â€Å"Hey mister can you tell me, what this worlds about, it might just help me out.† This first line of the song explains that the person is lost and needs help to find his way. When depressed, adolescents may think that there is no rightful place for them to go.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Encouraging Trends in Trucking 2,800+ Jobs Since June!

Encouraging Trends in Trucking 2,800+ Jobs Since June! According to the U.S. Labor Department, the for-hire trucking sector gained 2,800 jobs in July, putting its total employment figure at more than 1.46 million, the highest it’s seen in more than 8 years. More broadly, the transportation and warehousing industry saw an increase of 14,400 jobs. Total non-farm employment jobs went up by 215,000 this month too- the overall unemployment rate is still at 5.3%, the lowest it’s been longer than seven years. Factors for the increases include baby boomers retiring, women leaving the workforce, or job skills no longer matching up. Other fields that saw major gains this quarter were retail, health care, professional and technical services, and financial activities.While the rise may have fallen short of economists’ expectations, it’s good news for truckers and warehouse and transportation professionals across the country.Stay tuned for further updates as the next quarter looms!Economic Watch: Trucking, Overall Employme nt ImproveRead More at TruckingInfo